Friday, July 2, 2010

Days 15 & 16 - Of Fallen Champions and sleepy prodigies

 Day 15 - I don't remember much about Day 15 because of self-induced insomnia. After being up till about 3:30 am, I decided that I would not sleep at all since the chances of me waking up in time for the 8:45 am class looked bleak. So I read my book for a while after which I reeled off 3 episodes of Lost. By the time I detached my eyes from Kate Austen, it was 6:30 am, the sky was a virgin blue, birds were making excited sounds, everyone in the Hostel had finally slept and I was really sleepy. So I slept for about 2 hours, happily dreaming about getting stranded on a remote beach with a bunch of girls frolicking in near-nothings, when Mayur woke me up just in time for the Supply Chain Management Class.
Prof HG went on and on about God-knows-what for more than an hour. Most people spent their time watching objectionable movies on their cell-phones or massaging messaging their girlfriends while I opted for the morally right path and read the newspaper. FMCG class was not fun either but that was because I was way too sleepy for anything to register in my otherwise 187 IQ brain. The rest of the day was spent sleeping-working on Corporate Banking Presentation - and cursing myself for not sleeping properly. And then I get to know that my hero - Roger Federer - has gone down in 4 sets to talented and abnormally tall Tomas Berdych. That did it. I fell into depression which was only dispelled 2 hours later by a certain someone. I watched another episode of Lost later that night to make myself feel better. Nice!
Day 16 - After a farzi Corp Banking class, came FMCG which was much better with me doing some kick-ass CP which earned me plaudits from Prof Ramesh and middle fingers from classmates. The class was about Brand Equities and how some brands have successfully made very strong associations in consumers' minds. Good class! Post this, I watched yet another Samuel Jackson flick - 'Sphere' - which I thoroughly enjoyed. It is a psychological/sci-fi thriller based on Michael Crichton's novel of the same name, set 1000 ft. under water and is quite well thought out. This was followed by the Supply Chain Management Class where we made fun of Prof HG's accent. However today he finally got very pissed off and said something like, "I bloody works so hard and you just sits and clap in the class. Your level is worse than mine". His emotive statement was met with subdued applause and muted laughter. 
The evening was spent jogging in the rain and doing some serious gymming. I say serious because those 20 ab crunches are now causing serious pain when I breathe. 
Speaking of painful breathing, I just read that Tiger Woods is going to have to part with US $ 750 million for his Divorce Settlement. With this much money Elin Nordegren could have easily bought the Delhi or Mumbai 3G spectrum.
Anyway, have a presentation early in the morning tomorrow so have to hit the sack. Also its Nadal versus Murray tomorrow. Pray for the Queen. Good Night.

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